Welcome to the Wisconsin free state
Start your own free state, the team free state crew will be happy to help.
Notice to all viewing this site; the free state idea is not exclusive to Wisconsin. We encourage everyone to start their own free state and feel free to use this site as a template. The Covenant and document for governance will work for everyone everywhere. Good luck and God Bless.
For help with start up email [email protected]
For help with start up email [email protected]
Our mission is not to overthrow the present government but to have an operational form for self-governance in place when the present government implodes. We are a large and varied group that believe any governance not run by the men and women that created it is prone to corruption. Corruption is the companion of greed and power. We started this country as a constitutional republic and though the idea was not bad, the constitution embodied the same form as a glorified chattel, or agreement to repay. The amendments 1-13 of the original “bill of rights” were added to protect the people from tyranny on the part of the newly formed government. The constitution has not been in effect as the supreme law of the land for at least 150 years. The democracy that has, out spent itself, and caused us to become subjects to the “executive order” or instant law, is about to become the enforcement arm of the U.N. and the new “constitution” will be Agenda 21. Read our Covenant, if you find fault with that, Agenda 21 is for you. However if you agree with the principles of the Covenant we welcome you and will offer insight into what has to be done to avoid foreign take over and for the first time in history, YOU will help create a governance that YOU control. Next, read the document for governance, it clearly outlines your rights and the basic operation for your governance. Participate in our Monday evening conference calls, sign up for your weekly Little Dog News letter, and above all tell your friends about this web site. ___________________________________ Tell your friends what you’ve found so they are not left out in the cold lawless Agenda 21 fiasco that is on its way. Together we can do this. If you do not know what the Agenda 21 is or Grand Juries are...do your research .....do not take our word for it ...take a look at what we have put up here on the site...then start your own research and Please join us. Time is VERY SHORT. We are stronger in numbers...we must come together to show we can self govern. ***********************************************************************
| Explanation of the document for governance and the Covenant formed by We the People. Archived Newsletters - Click here Education Center-More Info Affiliates
PAC=People's awareness Coalition- is a website that teaches you how you got in this mess and lawfull ways to correct your situation.Riegel Exchange- is the website of monetary exchange system of your future.Wisconsin Chemtrails- the artificial modification of Earth's climate systems-plus what it is
Team Free State Has their own --Internet Radio Show
We are on the air Saturday evening at 6:00pm central time. Call in number is 347-324-3704 if you have a question or comment push 1, the web site is http://www.freedomizerradio.com you have to open an account to listen on the site to hear click on air bar.
Who are We?
WE are Americans. We are Americans that want true freedom. We are Americans like many others out there who know something is wrong. We are Americans that have taken action, using a pen, through peaceable means.
What have “We” done? We have begun the process to return us to self governing.. This is the vehicle used to accomplish this task.
More Americans are standing up, saying enough is enough!
The fuel was left for us over 220 years ago in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution for the united States of America, the Bill of Rights, Amendments, 11, 12, and the original 13th.
What can “We” offer –We, being the people who stood up, through the construct of the“Lawful Grand Juries” offer to all Americans true liberty, freedom, and justice for all.
All that is required is your say so.
Grand Juries are the true power of the people and the remedy!
What have “We” done? We have begun the process to return us to self governing.. This is the vehicle used to accomplish this task.
More Americans are standing up, saying enough is enough!
The fuel was left for us over 220 years ago in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution for the united States of America, the Bill of Rights, Amendments, 11, 12, and the original 13th.
What can “We” offer –We, being the people who stood up, through the construct of the“Lawful Grand Juries” offer to all Americans true liberty, freedom, and justice for all.
All that is required is your say so.
Grand Juries are the true power of the people and the remedy!
The following survey will show you how freedom minded you are.
People's Awareness Coalition - The PAC Alliance Program